If you are professional accountant then QAR 18,000 to 24,000 per month you should get here . If you are in experienced and don t hv proper degree then QAR 12,000 Per month atleast . But your offer is not worth thinking about also , forget pursusing it ! Look at other job offers .

For your info , cost of living as under for single man who not drink , not smoke , not eat out , eats homemade food :-

Rent 2BHK QAR 4000 to 4500 per month
Sharing -only 1 Room : QAR 2000 per month
Electricity and water QAR 200 per month
Telephone QAR 300 per month
Grocery / Food QAR 1500 per month
Conveyence QAR 1000 TO 1500 per month

Total Expenses per month QAR 5000 to 6000 considering that you have 100 % medical from company .