Rachid is right. The Arabic version states you are in violation of the speed limit. But if you're sure that you were not in that said place at that time, go and contest your violation a.s.a.p.. I'm saying this because my colleague had the same advise from METRASH saying so, but when he went there to contest this they found out they had entered a wrong number. Well, hope they made a mistake in your case. The fine for overspeeding is pretty much a good meal at Chillies!
Rachid is right. The Arabic version states you are in violation of the speed limit. But if you're sure that you were not in that said place at that time, go and contest your violation a.s.a.p.. I'm saying this because my colleague had the same advise from METRASH saying so, but when he went there to contest this they found out they had entered a wrong number. Well, hope they made a mistake in your case. The fine for overspeeding is pretty much a good meal at Chillies!