Yes, we know you prefer Lulu's.  That's great go there all you want.  I prefer other places.  That DOES NOT make me prejudice against Lulu's.   I have been there many many times.  I just flat out do not like the place.   People can have different opinions you know.


My problem with you is what you said about westerners.  It was prejudiced, rude and uncalled for.    I do not consider myself a snob, most of my friends are not either (some are--just as some of EVERY nationality are).


I made an extremely decent living in the US, I make a terrific living here as well.    I DID NOT come just for the money.   I wanted to broaden my cultural horizons and have some traveling adventures, meet other cultures, etc etc.

I love Qatar (most days) and try to look on the positive and count my blessings, rather than dwell on the negative.  I respect Qataris and all cultures, dont' try to generalize, realizing there are bad apples no matter where you are.     Please don't disrespect others by name calling.  It was you who was being disgusting.