Shaqalaih will you be posted in dhukhan? Most Docs with QP seem to have a choice?
P.S. What is your special interest? As you mentioned that you are a GPwSI.
I have sent you a private email explaining some of these things InshAllah. And based on your experience can give you some ballpark salary figures of other western doctors we know.
It appears you have not been to the interview yet. InshAllah it will be fine. I would only recommend you ask for an extra day to check Doha out. As QP only gives 2 days and most likely your plane will leave at 12AM in the morning on the second day! Also they will only pay economy class!
p.s. HR will buy your ticket at the very last minute and make it much more expensive for themselves! My husband recieved his 1 day before departure!
Shaqalaih will you be posted in dhukhan? Most Docs with QP seem to have a choice?
P.S. What is your special interest? As you mentioned that you are a GPwSI.
I have sent you a private email explaining some of these things InshAllah. And based on your experience can give you some ballpark salary figures of other western doctors we know.
It appears you have not been to the interview yet. InshAllah it will be fine. I would only recommend you ask for an extra day to check Doha out. As QP only gives 2 days and most likely your plane will leave at 12AM in the morning on the second day! Also they will only pay economy class!
p.s. HR will buy your ticket at the very last minute and make it much more expensive for themselves! My husband recieved his 1 day before departure!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi