Hi Rising Stars Kindergarten is excellent! I think you have beeen misinformed by your friend regarding the children watching tv all day. Children who arrive early before classes commence are supervised in the tv room. At the end of the day children go to the tv room if they have not been picked up on time! Parents appreciate this service as there is no extra charge.You say you went to check in the holidays and every class has a tv in it. I don't know which kindergarten you visited but it certainly was not Rising Stars. The only tv is in the tv room. During the holidays a summer camp was in progress! I invite you to visit Rising Stars anytime then please post a valid and truthful comment.
Hi Rising Stars Kindergarten is excellent! I think you have beeen misinformed by your friend regarding the children watching tv all day. Children who arrive early before classes commence are supervised in the tv room. At the end of the day children go to the tv room if they have not been picked up on time! Parents appreciate this service as there is no extra charge.You say you went to check in the holidays and every class has a tv in it. I don't know which kindergarten you visited but it certainly was not Rising Stars. The only tv is in the tv room. During the holidays a summer camp was in progress! I invite you to visit Rising Stars anytime then please post a valid and truthful comment.