Canary i never said they dont have the right to be employed FIRST by all means let them do so? Theres plenty of sweepers jobs, drivers jobs, labours job..why dont they start there? or is it that they want a nice cozy office job only? Perhaps the Karwa taxi drivers should all be Qataris coz they should know their way around town better? and as far as this topic goes... i think they are being well provided for by the govt.


Now tell me canarybird would a Qatari work in the above mentioned positions? even for triple the pay an expat is getting? Its very easy to come here and give talks about how Qatari have the right to this and what? lets not forget we didnt come here and take their jobs...they are the ones that hired us in the first place to do their jobs..whats the harm...we get paid for our work. Oh and about the salaries and the govt not paying for non productive people i think that whole “There are many Qataris on the payroll of government departments. They enjoy all the privileges and allowances without doing any type of work."


Red pope u can ask everyone the same question...what the heck are u doing online dont u have some confessions to make?


