In that case Oh MY I wish you all the best in your research! Honestly!
I've already done mine.. and it nearly killed me.. I now suffer from severe medical conditions as a result. I'm not joking! It was the most stressful time in my life.
PM.. I just cannot believe that God would create us and not guide us to the right path. I didn't find that guidance in Christianity or any other religion. But I inshAllah feel I have found it in Islam. Even though I really suffered from a lack of faith in the religion. And still am very open minded if it is wrong.
What I am now trying to do is prove it wrong by learning the texts and analysing them. Hence my passion to study and learn Islam under scholars. My goal is to be an alim in the next 6 years and So InshAllah I can analyse the Religion better. And also study that with christianity as well!
In that case Oh MY I wish you all the best in your research! Honestly!
I've already done mine.. and it nearly killed me.. I now suffer from severe medical conditions as a result. I'm not joking! It was the most stressful time in my life.
PM.. I just cannot believe that God would create us and not guide us to the right path. I didn't find that guidance in Christianity or any other religion. But I inshAllah feel I have found it in Islam. Even though I really suffered from a lack of faith in the religion. And still am very open minded if it is wrong.
What I am now trying to do is prove it wrong by learning the texts and analysing them. Hence my passion to study and learn Islam under scholars. My goal is to be an alim in the next 6 years and So InshAllah I can analyse the Religion better. And also study that with christianity as well!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi