I am only using my FIRST AMENDMENT right, freedom of speech, and I am not a racist look at Qatar and they way they treat the workers there, little pay and you call me a racist, how about human rights, and Arabs do ride camels, get over it!
I am only speaking my mind and if you cannot handle it then do not read it!
I did go back home and what I do over here is really none of your business live in Qatar and drive around and around in a circle.
Look around in Qatar there are NO basic human rights for the labourers that is enough to make this human resource person ill!
Also their are other people from other Countries that have said more than I have. Also do you really think that America really cares what you think of her? LOL
I am only using my FIRST AMENDMENT right, freedom of speech, and I am not a racist look at Qatar and they way they treat the workers there, little pay and you call me a racist, how about human rights, and Arabs do ride camels, get over it!
I am only speaking my mind and if you cannot handle it then do not read it!
I did go back home and what I do over here is really none of your business live in Qatar and drive around and around in a circle.
Look around in Qatar there are NO basic human rights for the labourers that is enough to make this human resource person ill!
Also their are other people from other Countries that have said more than I have. Also do you really think that America really cares what you think of her? LOL