I think I see where your coming from Alexa. Obviously the gypsies have developed a culture which limits themselves in terms of survival and growth. I reckon its a byproduct of centuries of persecution. Perhaps they see growth as integration thereby losing their identity?


Still I agree with you that in many countries such as Germany, France, uk, switzerland their is not the excuse to remain so down trodden. Western europeans most certainly have the advantage of an education system unsurpassed, save america, by any other country in the world.


Perhaps setting up centers of awareness about the potential options life has to offer could bring some out of the gutter. Many gangsters in California are equally unaware that theft, drugs, and guns is NOT a good thing however the enviroment and gangsta culture keep this sort of mentality active despite access to higher education and non discrimination (for people who do not hold a criminal record).







Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi