HI ,

 i think there is just a miss-communication between you and staff from the philippine embassy , marriage will always be welcome and possible from their end (phillipine embassy) provided the following basic documents must be presented as a proof that you are eligible to get married:

 - you must present a document certifying your "singleness" as a proof that you are eligible to marry , this document is mostlikely can be secured from your own embassy, in like manner the filipina girl must also proof her' singleness' but this will be more easier because they can access it thru our govnt. agency in the phils. and it will not take too long.

-  i dont know the procedure for married muslim and wanted to re-marry again.

- and you need a sponsors or a witnesses during the binding of marriage , they will also signed in the marriage contract as witnesses...remember this contract has no expiry date hehehehehe.


try again , your wife to be can help you on this she is more knowlegeable of the law in the philippines than you do.

again best wishes and congratulations in advance