what it really comes down to, a smartphone is a phone with an operating system. currently the major players are iOS (Apple), Android (various brands), Microsoft (various brands), Symbian (only Nokia remaining now, i believe), and RIM (i.e. blackberry). Others like Linux (various), MeeGo (Nokia and i believe LG), Bada (Samsung) are not really popular, hence not much applications available as compared with the major ones.

so if you're asking are there other models available, the answer is definitely yes. maybe too many of them, ranging from a mere QR 699 to the more than QR 3000 type.

is E7 a good smartphone? debatable. it's using a dying platform (Symbian support from Nokia will continue until 2016 only, CMIIW), which is also using the latest symbian, hence the number of compatible apps are still limited as compared with previous iteration of Symbian.

so what are you looking for in your phone? like buying a computer, what you use it for will narrow down the options for you.