as i have told you its only for fun.. of course i wont entertain anyone who propose any s*** with me.. ITS ONLY FOR FUN!! for god sake!! who the heck will marry an stanger found in QL!! im not a muslim!! can read the guidelines again Mila! NONE of the guidelines i BROKE yesterday, only after being banned lots of swearing! Is it written in the guidelines that you are not allowed to look for a date here?.. NOPE!! some of the people joined here, there purpose is to meet new friends!! is this suppose to be a friendly site?! but seems like people who are allowed to enjoy here is those people who are a regular member, logged in everyday, posting comments every minute.


i was so PSSSSTTT OFF yesterday with what you have done. why dont you check others thread? there is loads of discrimination as well why cant this people be banned here, huh?!!