Hello, For Positive PPD as need to check x-ray is it clear ot not. If x ray is clear then they will allow you to under go sputum tests for 3 samples. If they also go negative then you will take the medication for 3 months and allow you to work because it is passive.
If your sputum is positive it depends that u will be on sick leave for 4-6 months depend on the treatment.
Suggestion just be safe and dont allow others to use your utensils or remaning food.
Hello, For Positive PPD as need to check x-ray is it clear ot not. If x ray is clear then they will allow you to under go sputum tests for 3 samples. If they also go negative then you will take the medication for 3 months and allow you to work because it is passive.
If your sputum is positive it depends that u will be on sick leave for 4-6 months depend on the treatment.
Suggestion just be safe and dont allow others to use your utensils or remaning food.