they often say its your pc.... load of bollix
I replied last time...well i have 2 lap tops here...u telling me they are both broken? its your connection speed.
they said - oh the ports are broken.... i said how is that possible when other things like camera/ipod/mouse work in all ports??????
they then sent an engineer, lovely pakistani chap who said your pcs are fine its a QTEL problem
thing is they pay rubbish money to their helpdesk (misnomer) staff and they know sod all.
I had mosaic package removed from my house because QTEL were too incompetent.... no telly no internet and less free time frustrations.
they often say its your pc.... load of bollix
I replied last time...well i have 2 lap tops here...u telling me they are both broken? its your connection speed.
they said - oh the ports are broken.... i said how is that possible when other things like camera/ipod/mouse work in all ports??????
they then sent an engineer, lovely pakistani chap who said your pcs are fine its a QTEL problem
thing is they pay rubbish money to their helpdesk (misnomer) staff and they know sod all.
I had mosaic package removed from my house because QTEL were too incompetent.... no telly no internet and less free time frustrations.