approach the legal authorities and present this case to them. show your bank account details to prove that you dont have job and is not paid for 1 or two months etc. be submissive to your boss and its your need to get this offer. convince her on your situation and inability to continue here even if the job is on as your boss say. I do belive that once she is convince that you have no other way and will leave her, she will agree for it. Her main issue may be that if you leave with NOC others will also come in line for that.
approach the legal authorities and present this case to them. show your bank account details to prove that you dont have job and is not paid for 1 or two months etc. be submissive to your boss and its your need to get this offer. convince her on your situation and inability to continue here even if the job is on as your boss say. I do belive that once she is convince that you have no other way and will leave her, she will agree for it. Her main issue may be that if you leave with NOC others will also come in line for that.