I lost 45kg in the last six months all i did was get motivated (not entirly true but being motivated helps a lot) heres what I did:

I cut out my bad carb intake. Exercised for 30 mins every second day, exercising is one of those things that for a lot of people (like me initially) is a chore thats why if you make it 30 mins instead of  a full 1hr to begin with and  figure out before hand the main areas you really want to tone and flatten first and exercise accordingly I gurantee you once you notice these parts going well you'll start with the others and increase the amount you exercise. stopped eating after 7pm for most people after 7 is when we start relaxing so the body starts to shut down as well and requires less fuel  so eating a huge dinner before sitting infront of the TV is never a good Idea in saying this I swapped my main meal for the middle of the day and had a light supper usually just a salad or fruit for supper in doing this i also found I slept better as well. Again what has worked for me might not work for you its always best to figure out first what sort of things you are willing to do and not to do to lose the weight. But most importantly always do it for yourself if your doing it for any other reason it never works.