Scarlett, I bought flax seed recently. The line is Infinity Organic in a light brown packaging at Megamart @ The Centre. I also got Cranberry juice there, unsweetened but perhaps blended with another juice. Dewlands is the brand. Milk thistle is available at GNC as is Dandelion root capsules but not the tea. Hmm...that covers all your requests except for flax seed bet Megamart.
Scarlett, I bought flax seed recently. The line is Infinity Organic in a light brown packaging at Megamart @ The Centre. I also got Cranberry juice there, unsweetened but perhaps blended with another juice. Dewlands is the brand. Milk thistle is available at GNC as is Dandelion root capsules but not the tea. Hmm...that covers all your requests except for flax seed bet Megamart.
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