If your concern is with regards to the accomodation allowance that would be cut off if you will be transferred to your company's accomodation, it depends on the contract that you signed. if the contract says that you are to receive accomodation allowance, then you can contest their decision to transfer you to the company's accom. because I'm sure they will remove your accom. allowance from your salary. but if your agreement says that accomodation shall be provided by the company, then all you can do is to bargain with them and hope that they will compromise.
If your concern is with regards to the accomodation allowance that would be cut off if you will be transferred to your company's accomodation, it depends on the contract that you signed. if the contract says that you are to receive accomodation allowance, then you can contest their decision to transfer you to the company's accom. because I'm sure they will remove your accom. allowance from your salary. but if your agreement says that accomodation shall be provided by the company, then all you can do is to bargain with them and hope that they will compromise.