HI! First of all, don't find the cheapest one, all schools almost the same. But i suggest to go to Al Rayyah, the trainer there are professionals in the sense that they've been teaching there for years. Find the name Waheed, an Indian, request that man to be your trainee instructor, if not he, ask one who is been there for years. Next is who ever your designated trainer, tell him in the beginning of your training that, he tell you all the secret of the test drive and if you pass on the first test, you will give him a present, which you should do when you pass. Ask him where is the usual test for road. You mentioned that you had a license in the Phils. Then if you do and have at least ten years driving , hen you can request to just take a road test. In the road test, you should salam first to the officer, adjust your sit, the mirror, then wear the seatbelt. Remember, be very careful not to let the machine stop when you start, but before starting, see to it, it is in the neutral. When you started , slowly move the car, when you are in the slow lane, it should be running 60, on the middle lane, 70, on the fast lane, 80, no morethan 80. When you are in the housing area, it should be 45-50 only. Every roundabout, you should pause for awhile, even there is no car approaching. And while driving, you should see the mirror on the left and middle once in a while. Sometime the officer will tell you to park but be careful, if it is ok to park on that particular area he told you to stop, but if he said it's ok, then go ahead, park or stop the car. I hope this will help. Goodluck!



"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches  you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."