I will not name the Country ... people visiting this clinice can see on the main enterance that all the Doctors are from same Country... even they give preference to thier country man only. Since we found this discrimination we stopped visiting Appollo Clinic ! Also I blame Appollo Docotros for the sickness of my Daughter who was initally treated there for 2 weeks and when we took her in Emergency in Al Ahali Hospital, looking at her condition they immediately told us she has severe lungs infection and bronconumenia... she was finally addmitted in Al Ahli Hospt. for 4 night. It took 1 month for her to recover.

If initally, Dr. at Appollo clinic had dignosed her properly (rather i would say professionaly) could have saved her from getting Lungs infections and falling into sever numenia. (she is only 5month old baby girl).

I personally will never recommed Appollo Clinic to anyone.

