After approaching 2 decades in the child care business in Doha, I would like to assure you that there are indeed, people who think it's the easy employment option!  I appreciate your concern over the PR of CESK but feel that you would be hard put to find parents, prospective or otherwise, that do not share my opinion that staff should be properly compensated for their services, or that they should also be patient and dedicated to the needs and continuing education of children in their care.  I also believe it is not just my opinion that there is a huge shortage of nursery places, and as such primary places in Doha, ask anyone who is trying to register their child in reception etc for September.

I must however, take this opportunity to apologise to noura4qtr who started this thread about starting a nursery.  My advice would be to think location!  With the dire traffic situation at the moment, parents with children in more than one school are facing the nightmare of, what seems like, hours in the car.  There is definitely a need for more child care facilities near to DESS.  Also, as I said above, there is a need for pre-schools who cater for children under 2 and also provide extended hours.  Speak to parents with young children, find out what they look for.  Each parent is different and their needs are different.  When you do start your nursery, get in touch with primary schools in the area and let them know where you are and what you offer.  I must say that running a kindergarten is an incredibly rewarding profession, not only do you meet wonderful people, both young & old, from all over the world, but you get to see these children grow and develop.