@Basher's basher. What exit clearance are you talking about? There's no such thing as exit clearance for family dependents. Exit clearances are only for foreign workers under the sponsorship of a qatari national,a company, or a government department.@crisco,Family visit visa is for 3 months and extendable. But your family will have to take the medical check at medical commission if they intend to stay for more than 1 month. So the date in their return ticket is fine. You can re book any date you want but you need to pay a little amount for that.
@Basher's basher. What exit clearance are you talking about? There's no such thing as exit clearance for family dependents. Exit clearances are only for foreign workers under the sponsorship of a qatari national,a company, or a government department.@crisco,Family visit visa is for 3 months and extendable. But your family will have to take the medical check at medical commission if they intend to stay for more than 1 month. So the date in their return ticket is fine. You can re book any date you want but you need to pay a little amount for that.