A person can be born a jew or even worse proclaim to be an athiest but at the end of the day it is only Allah who knows what is truly in that persons heart.

I see nothing wrong with gypsy stating her opinions. As she usually does not do so to offend another person. Or to argue. However, I have noticed quite a few muslims who argue needlessly with her on many of the subjects and causes her to become frustrated. AT least this is what I have personally seen.

And I could not say this about everyone on the website!


When I looked into messianic jews (jews who have believe in christ) they have a very different story to tell relating to eating pork and the veil. Accordingly, they felt that these were commandments in the religion that one should not eat of pork or disregard the veil. Although it was not held as strictly as the muslims hold such things.


I guess the question I have ... Is how does one interpret the bible?  Obviously, when I with my limited knowledge of the bible, look at the passage that says a women must veil to show respect to her husband my interpretation may not be accurate.

For me looking at his verse means that a hierarchy system is in fact in place in Christianity. Although one is not supposed to abuse the right of another (love what you love for yourself verse). It seems to clearly state that a man is head of his household and that a women should respect her husband. And that a way to show this respect is by covering her hair. 

To me that would seem a small price to pay in order to show respect to my husband. As the bigger price is having the stamina to treat him as I myself would like to be treated.


Now, I am sure I am interpretating this verse wrong from my personal point of view.  As it seems that many christians do in fact not believe in covering their head? Or do they??? It does seem all rather ambiguous!