Dear solid41; based on my own experience always deal with somebody to whom you can talk frequently or even see on a face-to-face talk so that you know how is your "case" progressing.
Do not ever trust overseas recruiting agents from which you have no knowledge at all.
Always keep in mind that no Recruiter (agent or agency) should be asking for money to "increase" the chances of getting a position.
Dear solid41; based on my own experience always deal with somebody to whom you can talk frequently or even see on a face-to-face talk so that you know how is your "case" progressing.
Do not ever trust overseas recruiting agents from which you have no knowledge at all.
Always keep in mind that no Recruiter (agent or agency) should be asking for money to "increase" the chances of getting a position.
Last but not least; check the following reading
even thoug it is focused on the items for sale stage; it could be aplicable to any kind of business