If you have to ask how much, then you cannot afford it. It is a very expensive car to maintain in this country. Oil change on V8 QAR 1,200. Front brake pads + disks QAR 8,000 for standard and QAR 31,000 for ceramic.
If you want a car of the same caliber that won't cost you an arm and a leg to service I recommend BMW X5. I own one. They provide 3 years of free service with every new car. Service includes everything except tires. The system has been tried and tested and it works.
If you have to ask how much, then you cannot afford it. It is a very expensive car to maintain in this country. Oil change on V8 QAR 1,200. Front brake pads + disks QAR 8,000 for standard and QAR 31,000 for ceramic.
If you want a car of the same caliber that won't cost you an arm and a leg to service I recommend BMW X5. I own one. They provide 3 years of free service with every new car. Service includes everything except tires. The system has been tried and tested and it works.