mmm It looks like alot to think about concerning schooling for my daughter. And I need to come up with a plan!


 We only plan to stay in Qatar for just over a year. However, I like to think of all my options in the chance that we stay indefinately or longer than expected.  And I must admit that some of the comments by other parents have put me off attending a private western school.  It seems so many people have complaints about these schools. And, upon enquiry, we have found out that we are unable to opt out of the music lessons within the curriculum of these schools.


My daughter currently attends a public school-nursery which as opposed to state school is a full day. She is currently learning french, phonics, maths, good manners and english speaking skills. As well as having lessons in dance, tumble and music(we opted out of this by providing private singing lessons and the duff) as part of the curriculum.  And while it has a boarding school, I feel she is too young to be away from home at this time.


Like they have in Saudi, are there any equivalant Qatari private schools that compare at all to the learning enviroments at the public schools in the UK? And also have an emphasis on Quran, tajweed, and Islam?


p.s. and oryx do you think it matters during the first few years of her life if she attends a Qatari school (state or private) if we supplement with tutorials by some of the western teachers?