Sorry all, but I'm guessing that what I'm about to say won't be a
particularly popular opinion. I just quit smoking, and even while I was a
smoker I never liked irritating other folks with my 2nd-hand smoke. But I have
done a little reviewing of the research on 2nd-hand smoke, and it's far from
decisive. I think that at the end of the day, people are really just fed up
with the unpleasant smell, etc., of other people's smoke. Fair enough. But
here's the thing. It seems to me that the only folks who have a right to make a
big deal of people smoking in designated non-smoking areas are those who
reliably follow all the other laws/policies--including the local laws on
dating, speeding, etc. I don't think it's consistent to make a big deal of the
fact that local gov prohibits something you don't like unless you think that
people should always be in complete accord with law/policy. Whatever it is you
have to say against people who smoke in non-smoking areas, I think that, for
most of us, it's hypocritical to make a big deal of the fact that it's


I can certainly understand why non-smokers don't
want to have smoke puffed in their faces (or close by), especially if they're
trying to eat. But I don't think it's ok to take advantage of the fact that in
this particular case the law happens to be on one's side--especially given that
(and correct me if I'm wrong) hardly anyone here is completely on board with
all of the rules that are on the books in Q.