So please tell us what particular bakery was that... The Hot bread bakery one time and the last time i bought a bread there, I was so early, after i dropped my daughter in school i decided to buy bread before going home. So doon the bakery opened the door i get in. The salesmen are taking out those cover on top of the breads and biscuits and pies where it is not really covered on the whole food. And when i was looking what bread and cookies to buy i saw not only one but some small croaches, creeping under the pile of the cookies. Eeeeeew! And i told about them to the salesmen, and when i looked around, all of the food displayed are not fully covered. Since then, i don't but bread from that bakey again.
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
So please tell us what particular bakery was that... The Hot bread bakery one time and the last time i bought a bread there, I was so early, after i dropped my daughter in school i decided to buy bread before going home. So doon the bakery opened the door i get in. The salesmen are taking out those cover on top of the breads and biscuits and pies where it is not really covered on the whole food. And when i was looking what bread and cookies to buy i saw not only one but some small croaches, creeping under the pile of the cookies. Eeeeeew! And i told about them to the salesmen, and when i looked around, all of the food displayed are not fully covered. Since then, i don't but bread from that bakey again.
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."