you can only take things to help with the symptons.


lots of fluid.  lots of vitamin C.   not sure of your faith, but no alcohol if you have the occasional drink.  most important - SLEEP as much as you can.  you body will heal fastest when sleeping so pack in some 10 hour nights if you can.


and as for how cold -4 degrees is, well, that's relative.  i'm canadian.  after 2-3 months of -20 degrees in the middle of winter, -4 towards the end of winter can feel like summer.  if you're coming from weather like here, -4 will feel pretty cold.  make  sure you have thick pants.  wear layers(t-shirt, shirt, sweater, good jacket), scarf and gloves would be good too.  for me -4 on my ears and head is no problem.  if it's cold for you, get a hat (or a tuque).  if you keep your head and ears warm that will go a long way (humans lose the most heat from their heads).


happy travels. 



"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I