I'm pretty sure that you are so excited to get married soon and having your wedding after a week does not mean that one of your obligations is to marry this guy. If he is not ready for commitment and want to marry you and keep playing behind your back, then what can be than a good reason for you than that to break up with him?


I don't want to see you later thinking of where can he be if he would be late, or what is he doing now because he is not answering your calls. Living your life with doubts is not the right way to settle down, you might be lucky to find out that he was cheating on you before you marry him. God loves you and of course he did not let you know about that to let you end up something before it even starts for no reason.


Sister, you are still on the safe side ... once you ride that boat and became in the middle of the sea it would be really difficult to swim back to the shore because you would be in the middle of that sea and will find it really so hard to do something.


Trust me ... someone who would be cheating on you while you two are just one week from getting married does not deserve you.


May god help you choosing the right path to walk and live your life.


Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)