abu American.. you think you had it bad.. Trying having 2 people you call mom.. One white/pro jewish/born again christian with a ex stepfather who is a nazi..


the other 2adopted" mom being african american who loved me like a daughter, christian and expected me to marry someone who is african american or at least juice them while I was young. LOL


And have to juggle the two between a over possessive Indian mother in law who thinks the world revolves around her son. :) And that a daughter in law belongs to the husbands family.


Talk about craziness!

In the end I ended up with a bearded (by three finger lengths muslim) who if he wasn't brown then you would think he was white with his "english" personality.   Although very jolly and cheerful and incredibly astute :).  And we feel good about the jihaad (struggle) through life because we have each other and the same Islaamic goals in life.  Yet we are completely different in almost every way.. personality wise.  And thank god he is such a diplo who can put up with my ghetto fab. ways ;)