Hey, hey, guys don't leave me alone here...I tell you something, we don't know what is the cause of getting myoma, but one of my friend said, in the Philippines, while she was taking examination on this thing inside , the doctor ask her if she is eating chicken legs and wings, and she was surprised why did the doctor asks. And the fact that it is her favourite she couldn't believe that the doctor said it is one reason why she had myoma. My friend undergo surgery and surprisingly, the thing was almost 2 kilos. Imagine how big is she carrying for many years. And now she is happier without it although the op leaves her a big scar. 

  To your friend, she should be aware of her diet, avoid fatty foods and meat, and importantly those chicken legs and wings, eat plenty of fiber rich and vit. C rich foods and fruits. I think the connection was that, chickens are given a shot in their legs for vaccines of something...

This is to control the growth of the myoma,  




"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches  you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."