Well if its full course (40 classes) then its about QR. 2300/-, then you have (25 classes) for abt QR. 2000/- and a quick course of (12 classes) if you have a license from your home country, for abt QR. 1300/-.
The above prices may vary from school to school, although not very much.
The Test fee of QR. 50/- and License issue fee of QR. 250/- is applicable to all driving schools.
Well if its full course (40 classes) then its about QR. 2300/-, then you have (25 classes) for abt QR. 2000/- and a quick course of (12 classes) if you have a license from your home country, for abt QR. 1300/-.
The above prices may vary from school to school, although not very much.
The Test fee of QR. 50/- and License issue fee of QR. 250/- is applicable to all driving schools.
Hope this helps!