That would all depend on Your standard of living and what your used to! if you like living in dirty areas with what i would call Not so nice Surrounding then 4500 QR is about the going rate.
If you want more upper class living, with a mix of nationalities you can expect to pay from 10.000 QR upwards!
I have a husband, and 2 kids and i spend 600 to 800 PER WEEK on food shopping! So again its all down to your standard of living before you come to Qatar.
That would all depend on Your standard of living and what your used to! if you like living in dirty areas with what i would call Not so nice Surrounding then 4500 QR is about the going rate.
If you want more upper class living, with a mix of nationalities you can expect to pay from 10.000 QR upwards!
I have a husband, and 2 kids and i spend 600 to 800 PER WEEK on food shopping! So again its all down to your standard of living before you come to Qatar.