modern home is official dealer for yamaha and sell different range price of accoustic piano. From 4000 QR electric clavinova to 90.000 QR grand piano.


Qatar Foundation now and again bring international pianist or other classical musician to Doha. The last one i remember was Mariana Izman (or something like that) that come to Doha for the past 2 or 3 years. 


Embassy like French or Germany now and again also bringing classical musician to perform in Doha.


The only music school that i know teaching classical music under the royal school of music is International Music School. Apart of that i know there is a Bulgarian lady call Yana that doing Royal exam too for piano and giving classical piano tuition.


I am sending my son to a piano lesson ... so far i am doing it to him just to test the water weather he have any interest in piano. If one day he pick up on that i would like him to do it mor seriously. 


Why did you ask? Are you plannin to open a music school?