if you're married and happy to hang with your significant other, then you'll be fine.


if you want a piss up and party every night, probably not your place.


culture?  depends what you are looking for.  there are some museams but they are nothing special.  there is some local culture (camel races, a little fort here and there) but you will quickly exhaust those.


if you can tap into the Qatar Foundation community, you might get some of the culture you are looking for.  VCU occasionally has exhibits (a henry moore exhibit is currently here.  they have some of this sketches and someone from the british council was here talking about the artist).  georgetown university also hosts regular talks about various international and political issues - they are pretty good.  they had a talk yesterday with John Esposito, who is an expert on Islam that was very good (if you google him you will see he is a heavy hitter).


If you have good jobs lined up, you'll be fine.   



"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I