Since you are on probation period (If am not wrong), you can resign with a notice period of three or 7 days (Go through your contract). They may ask for compensation as expenses incurred for your employment (Ticket charges if any and Visa/RP Charges).
They will not give you the return ticket, however you can claim for your salary till date.
NOC is the sole right of an employer, without that, you will not get another employment.
Since you are on probation period (If am not wrong), you can resign with a notice period of three or 7 days (Go through your contract). They may ask for compensation as expenses incurred for your employment (Ticket charges if any and Visa/RP Charges).
They will not give you the return ticket, however you can claim for your salary till date.
NOC is the sole right of an employer, without that, you will not get another employment.
NOC is a "MUST"
Good luck...