If what You are looking for is motorbike
- find in this site under classified section or just type kawasaki or yamaha in search section
- go to this link http://www.semsar.net/en/motorbikes/
if what You are looking for is bicycle
- go to skate shack in salwa road/ go sport in villagio
- find in this site under classified section, item for sale then select bicycle or just type colnago in search section
If what You are looking for is motorbike
- find in this site under classified section or just type kawasaki or yamaha in search section
- go to this link http://www.semsar.net/en/motorbikes/
if what You are looking for is bicycle
- go to skate shack in salwa road/ go sport in villagio
- find in this site under classified section, item for sale then select bicycle or just type colnago in search section