Dear Paki Bahi if u intrested then every thing is available on net no need consultant if u have knowledge how to apply fees forms etc .all things are available on offical web site free of cost and lots of immigration forums that can help u lot .
but first and important thing u need to sit in IELTS exam GT b4 applying buz both countries its must even for canada u need not to apply untill u get the require band .its up to u if urs wife have master degree then there ll b bonus point
visit the offical side it ll tell u abt details
Dear Paki Bahi if u intrested then every thing is available on net no need consultant if u have knowledge how to apply fees forms etc .all things are available on offical web site free of cost and lots of immigration forums that can help u lot .
but first and important thing u need to sit in IELTS exam GT b4 applying buz both countries its must even for canada u need not to apply untill u get the require band .its up to u if urs wife have master degree then there ll b bonus point
visit the offical side it ll tell u abt details