it is any muslim who appear overly strict.. (even if they are not salafi)
Anyone who supports the saudi khalifa (although salafis do not support saudi goverment in any shape or form)
A person could be called an ikhwaane.. or even a tabliqui and still be called wahaabi in the same breath.
In islam one must not try to gain favour due to riya.. however riya is not proclaiming an ability a person may have
I have met , been involved with, and had the experience of knowing first hand the differences between salafi's, arabs, ikwaanee, pakistanis and all the various sects...
and in all my years of watching these people and studying them (yes I am a student of knowledge and people do take advice from me, including da'ees currently writing books about Islam)...
Then I would say that the only ones to produce evidence to support many of their claims are the salafis.
That does not mean they are free from sin. However the people who are staunch enemies have little if no evidence to support themselves and their actions. Instead they are well known to use rhetoric.
And I have never seen muslims as just in what they say as the salafis.
i.e. it was them who said a muslimah can wear every colour.. and not just black (unlike the more liberal sects of Islam)
Shaykh albani followed by both salafis.. and non salafis.. wrote the most fantastic book about why he thought those scholars who make the niqaab compulsory are extremist. And he was the foremost author who gave evidence to support his claim rather than just a fatwa.. or a few weak hadith. May Allah reward him and forgive him of his sins.
One shafi scholar in syria once wrote a book. He said that the bastard child will never go to Jannah.. This is the writing of those who speak to much with too little knowledge of Islam. Anyone reading this horse crap can see that the author is just talking rhetoric.
And while the salafi works are laden with opinions by the scholars (that some people take as written in gold)..The majority of their work is evidence based.. and the opinions are very clear to all who read their work.
And for me... I am very open minded to looking at the other side of the coin and seeing what others have to say about Islam that is not rhetoric..Rather giving a different opinion based on knowledge and evidence of the Quran and Sunnah.
I definately believe that a lack of brotherhood is deeply missing in the ummah. However, I do not agree that the ikhwaane brotherhood has the answers to reestablishing this because they actually go against Islam to do so.
And I do also do not believe in any writer or scholar who defames the prophets, the sahaba, the prophets family, or the righteous scholars.
It is an islamic concept that no one is an Angel and all make mistakes without having to defame another person that is not based on Islamic evidence.
also pm if you look at who people call wahaabi..
it is any muslim who appear overly strict.. (even if they are not salafi)
Anyone who supports the saudi khalifa (although salafis do not support saudi goverment in any shape or form)
A person could be called an ikhwaane.. or even a tabliqui and still be called wahaabi in the same breath.
In islam one must not try to gain favour due to riya.. however riya is not proclaiming an ability a person may have
I have met , been involved with, and had the experience of knowing first hand the differences between salafi's, arabs, ikwaanee, pakistanis and all the various sects...
and in all my years of watching these people and studying them (yes I am a student of knowledge and people do take advice from me, including da'ees currently writing books about Islam)...
Then I would say that the only ones to produce evidence to support many of their claims are the salafis.
That does not mean they are free from sin. However the people who are staunch enemies have little if no evidence to support themselves and their actions. Instead they are well known to use rhetoric.
And I have never seen muslims as just in what they say as the salafis.
i.e. it was them who said a muslimah can wear every colour.. and not just black (unlike the more liberal sects of Islam)
Shaykh albani followed by both salafis.. and non salafis.. wrote the most fantastic book about why he thought those scholars who make the niqaab compulsory are extremist. And he was the foremost author who gave evidence to support his claim rather than just a fatwa.. or a few weak hadith. May Allah reward him and forgive him of his sins.
One shafi scholar in syria once wrote a book. He said that the bastard child will never go to Jannah.. This is the writing of those who speak to much with too little knowledge of Islam. Anyone reading this horse crap can see that the author is just talking rhetoric.
And while the salafi works are laden with opinions by the scholars (that some people take as written in gold)..The majority of their work is evidence based.. and the opinions are very clear to all who read their work.
And for me... I am very open minded to looking at the other side of the coin and seeing what others have to say about Islam that is not rhetoric..Rather giving a different opinion based on knowledge and evidence of the Quran and Sunnah.
I definately believe that a lack of brotherhood is deeply missing in the ummah. However, I do not agree that the ikhwaane brotherhood has the answers to reestablishing this because they actually go against Islam to do so.
And I do also do not believe in any writer or scholar who defames the prophets, the sahaba, the prophets family, or the righteous scholars.
It is an islamic concept that no one is an Angel and all make mistakes without having to defame another person that is not based on Islamic evidence.