Every country has its own advantages. I much prefer england and even france for the self control that is taught in the culture.. and the polite manners as opposed to my american brash up bringing.
Have you ever heard the phrase "They can't help it, they're American!"
DaRude the taliban.. are a sect from Hanafi.. I know quite a bit about them because almost every religious Hanafee is also talibanee or tabliqui jamaah.
My husbands is half gujarati.... and half UPI from Uttar pradesh (you know the posh urdu speakers). And he comes from a hanafee family.
Actually all the taliban our deobandi's. They publicize this themselves.
Every country has its own advantages. I much prefer england and even france for the self control that is taught in the culture.. and the polite manners as opposed to my american brash up bringing.
Have you ever heard the phrase "They can't help it, they're American!"
DaRude the taliban.. are a sect from Hanafi.. I know quite a bit about them because almost every religious Hanafee is also talibanee or tabliqui jamaah.
My husbands is half gujarati.... and half UPI from Uttar pradesh (you know the posh urdu speakers). And he comes from a hanafee family.
Actually all the taliban our deobandi's. They publicize this themselves.