First of all, no need to format your PC and install SP2, just download SP2 and install it and that's it.

As you already did, look among your Motherboard CDs that you got when you bought the PC. If it is there, then it is ok just put the CD and you will see from there an option to install your sound card. Just click it and it would install that and ask you to restart the PC and that is it.


If you got a branded a new PC then I guess everything is on a secured partition, hopefully it was not damaged or the data there were lost. If this is the case just look at your PC model and you can download the drivers for it from the support at their website
Another option is to obtain a copy of Driver Genius software, after you install it it will search your PC for drivers needed to be updated and the missing drivers are for sure on the top of the list.
Best Regards


Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)