Yea hold on there... NORTON???

 Norton is one of the worst anti virus that has ever been created and so is Mcafee... People need to stop wasting money on it seriously...

 My personal experiance with norton is that everytime a virus hits the computer it shuts down and im not just talking about the older version, but even the latest one, I've used norton since 2003 to try until now... IT STOPS FUNCTIONING. I had to do an online virus scan after norton stopped working at work and turned out that i had a virus, that was the worst day of my life, I lost all the data at work and they deducted 3000 riyals from my salary. thanks to stupid norton for being useless.


The best antivirus is AVG (antivirus guard) it never crashes nor stops, it updates everyday, it doesnt annoy you when you want to access some website or run a software like norton, its lightest of all on the system and best of all ITS FREE!!! 


To be on the safe side, if you want you can even purchase the advanced version, which wont make much of a difference. I've used AVG for about 2 years now and had no problem, but my dad trusted norton so he bought Norton 2007 from jareer... guess what happen... it stopped running when the virus was hit. He uses kyespersky (donno how to spell it) but yea thats my second recommendation, its not free.


P.s. who uses floppy disks now a days??? Undecided 


Procedures are fine, but come on "" those thieves. I suppose they are the ones who probably come up with the viruses. 


How come there is no viruses on Mac???  why isnt there any norton for Mac?? think about it.  


It's always the small things that make big differences.