i have similar experience with German embassy. Although i am not a German, but the staffs in German embassy (who i know for a fact is not  a German) also just 'smirked' at me when i tried to applied for a schengen visa for visiting Finland. I have to go back and forth lets say about 5 times, then i probably lucky on my 5th time the non-German woman not working and a German lady served me with smile and was really helpfull.

I later told this story to some of my US friends over here, and almost
everyone of them laughed at me, saying the same thing happened to them.
One of the big secrets the Embassy won't tell you is, if a foreigner
wants to apply for a travel visa to the USA, he or she HAS to apply in
the country they have a passport for. An Indian can't apply for a US
visa in Qatar. This is what the [this post has broken our guidelines by
using bad language - you will be removed from QL if this continues] at
the Embassy told me after I refused to leave until I got an answer.
Whether this is true or not I can't tell you. However: If this is true,
why do the guards at the front gate, who do the pre-interview, allow us
to go in and pay that money? It is almost like a scam to get money.


I never set foot on the US in my life before. So in this case, i have to fly all the way to Jakarta and applying visa from there? I know the UK embassy  have a similar rules, you have to show the local resindent permit in order to apply visa from the said country. I have managed to get a UK visa from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore British Embassy with no problems. The one in Kuala Lumpur didn't even ask to see my local RP, the one in Singapore did the opposite (wont even look my application without seeing my local RP)... but that was before 9/11. 

I found out these non-western people who work for western embassy are rather arrogant ... But then again it is only my opinion.