Car Insurance is not the istimara.

Actually you need the car insurance to renew the Istimara.

As far as The license is valid the procedure is as follows

1.- If the car is 3 yrs old you have to go for technical inspection (Woqod stations in Wakrah, Al Khor, and 2 more places in Doha which I do not recall). If your car is still no older than 3 yrs go straight to step #2

2.- Renew the insurance in the insurance company

3.- Approach the Kiosk at City Center (or go to the Main Traffic Office at Madinat Khaliffa). Deliver the isurance copy, car registration and Technical Report (if required).

Pay 100 QAR (Or something like that) and you have renewed your istimara.

Anyways do a search since this topic has had several discussions in the past in QL forums.
