guys (especially Poet) ... if you find some of the post offensive, do drop a PM to Qatari or Ahmd with the link of the post. He will review the post and will then decide to take it off or leave it on.
I did that in the past ... and Qatari took the post off right away.
As far as i am aware there are few anonymous moderators on board that keep an eye on the posting ... but things does go under the radar sometimes.
guys (especially Poet) ... if you find some of the post offensive, do drop a PM to Qatari or Ahmd with the link of the post. He will review the post and will then decide to take it off or leave it on.
I did that in the past ... and Qatari took the post off right away.
As far as i am aware there are few anonymous moderators on board that keep an eye on the posting ... but things does go under the radar sometimes.