I wish "journey to Venice" would be "something not purchasable with money, or at least not only with money"...LOL....but thanks for your advice...
spicemom!! Thanks for your PM.. BUT..while I was only thinking about it.. it's too late...guess what! yesterday he got this absolutely new mobile which came out on the market on JANUARY 15 2008! This HTC TyTN II …It's like a laptop! LOL... and it DOES have a GPS built-in! He even happily informed me that since now on he can locate ME at any point of the world by just calling my mobile...lol...I am not sure that I share his excitement about it though…lol…
...it's too hard to keep up with him, specially when it comes to technology..lol.. well... i guess i will by these funky seats for his car or so.. at least it makes my job easier..lol...

This too shall pass ...