Okay, I have lived in the UK and the States and travelled quite extensively through many different types of economies. I am generally quite aware of the price of basics in North Africa, India, Thailand, Australia and Northern Europe.

I am quite clear about the difference between first world, third world and developing economies and I'm catagorically telling you Qatar is NOT cheap and to describe it as such is utterly ridiculous.

That said .. I am also well aware that I as a single adult can live here for a lot less money than an expat family.

The reality for 99% of expats to this country is a financial one. People in general do not come here for the rich culture and glorious climate. If I upsticks 2 or 3 kids I cant suddenly turn their worlds upside down and remove all things familiar from them. That includes foods, activities and routines. The old time expat package to the ME provided by its very nature a large degree of continuity for families and the amount of money needed to ensure that continuity. That is no longer the case for many, many people.

There really is no middle class in Qatar and as such there is really no privision for that income band. Things are either at the low end of 10QR for curry and rice from one of the stands you are referring to or as expensive as at home or moreso (because the only option we have here is stupidly overpriced hotels).

Your gym example is classic of what I mean - the prices on many of the hotels is way above 45 pounds a month by the way, and again don't forget single costs compared to families. BUT I dont have the option of a 30-35 pounds a month gym here. Yoga classes etc etc, they all cost as much if not more than at home. I may not be in a 4 or 5 star hotel at home - but I have no other option here!

So do you see? I am forced to spend higher rates or not have the same quality of life.

Qatar it seems to me, has decided it's going to charge rates based on what it might one day become - not what it actually is. As Brits, we also have the issue that while Qatar itself may not seem so expensive because the pound is strong - at the end of the day the point is to take money home and there's been a 30% decrease in that amount.

So all in all, money left in the bank for the hassle and sacrifice of being out here just doesnt cut it for most people anymore.

I did look up Jazeera Air and I couldn't see flights from either Doha or Dubai. Are these airlines actually allowed to fly into these airports? I would also really, really like to know where I can get alcohol for less than in the UK and rent a car for 1300 a month, because I'll be right there =)