Hu Guys,

I am not a structural engineer, but some other kind of engineer... and I did not watch the above movie.
Beside these, I am not sure if these is the right format here to form a opinion on such a story as 911.

Some years ago I had the blue prints of the at that time already collapsed twin towers in my hands.
I don't remember all the facts correctly.

The buildings were built on a inner supportive core and a outer skin.

The inner core was built around 8 elevator shafts (if I remember correctly). Each shaft was built up from vertical I-beams (H-shaped steel beams). each was about 60 -100mm wide and about half as thick, with a material thickness of about 1inch. There was so much steel in the center core that it is hard to imagine that anything could have destroyed it.. sort of a solid steel core.

These core (beside the outer skin) is balancing the entire building above it, like one tries to balance an baseball bat on a finger. If you remove part of the outer skin, the balancing becomes a bit "uneven".

These would have happened if for instance a airplane pierced it.

The same stands for the inner core, a rectangular framework of vertical i-beams. If a airplane, missile or what ever else pierced the outer skin would reach the inner core, one side would have been weekend at first. These would make the balance very uneven. It would be difficult to hold the baseball bat steady in balance and hey its a heavy bat !

If a fire would further weaken the inner core, fueled by for instance yet fuel. Then it could eventually lead to a collapse. But then a fire several years before, did not have similar consequences... but ok no yet fuel was in play that time.

If one managed to position the baseball bat on a ice cube and one applied heat with a torch to the cube, would the cube slowly decent without falling over ?

Questions over questions... but then the answer seams pretty obvious.