I think the earlier posts cleared your doubt on this issue. Be careful while using the Credit Card as it might take you to such a situation that you will not be able to settle your debts. You can use the cards to buy commodities which you require but it is advisable to use it in the first 10 days of the month to get the maximum benefit. If you buy using the card on 5th of a month your statement will be normally issued on 28th of that month to pay on 28th of the following month. This way you will get like 50 days time to settle. You may either settle the whole amount on or before 28th of the following month and if you dont pay before the due date they will charge a certain percentage as over due which will be a big loss for you. You can either pay the whole amount or you can opt for paying 5% or 10% of the total due but they will charge you a certain percentage of interest on the balance amount if you are not settling the whole amount. My advise is to use the card in the first 10 days of the month and settle it completely on or before the 28th or due date of the following month. You will normally recieve a statement either electronic or manual. You can discuss it further with your bank.
I think the earlier posts cleared your doubt on this issue. Be careful while using the Credit Card as it might take you to such a situation that you will not be able to settle your debts. You can use the cards to buy commodities which you require but it is advisable to use it in the first 10 days of the month to get the maximum benefit. If you buy using the card on 5th of a month your statement will be normally issued on 28th of that month to pay on 28th of the following month. This way you will get like 50 days time to settle. You may either settle the whole amount on or before 28th of the following month and if you dont pay before the due date they will charge a certain percentage as over due which will be a big loss for you. You can either pay the whole amount or you can opt for paying 5% or 10% of the total due but they will charge you a certain percentage of interest on the balance amount if you are not settling the whole amount. My advise is to use the card in the first 10 days of the month and settle it completely on or before the 28th or due date of the following month. You will normally recieve a statement either electronic or manual. You can discuss it further with your bank.